Návrat s krásnym počasím / Great weather in Iceland
Z priameho letu na Island sa stal polopriamy let s pristáním v Nórsku na dotankovanie lietadla.
I am not sure, didnt they say it would be direct flight to reykjavik? Yes they did! Was it? :D hell no :D so the stop was in Norway :)
Avšak šťastne sme pristáli a ? na druhý deň do roboty :D ale o tom neskôr. (len tak na margo: už pomaly rozumiem litovčine keďže u nás iné osadenstvo je veľmi málo, skvelé že na Islande na naučím poľsky a litovsky... )
A po štyroch dňoch keď sme konečne dostali voľno bolo pekne!!! (teraz výjdete vonku a ste mokrí a to ani neprší tak často, len je tak vlhko)
So we landed two hours later and guess what- on the next day we went to work. What a lovely start of the Iceland trip :D. (btw i am in Iceland for fourth time and i didnt improve my english-skills but polish and this year lithuanian- language :D)
But finally after four days of work we had day-off (and we were so lucky bc weather was so Great!!! - now it doesnt need to rain but you are absolutelly wet because its soooo humid outside)
:) a za fotky vďačíme tomuto čiernemu krásavcovi :)
thanks to this beautiful black baby for photos (why i wear black sweatshirt :D happy coincidence? )
Zase až tak teplo nebolo :D
Well, i said it was warm nice weather but let's be honest :D
Vták Sterna
And the beautiful flying Sterna-bird
Seagull :)
Neviem, či to je havran alebo jemu podobný vták ale bol obrovský, oveľa väčší než som kedykoľvek videla.
Hard to say if its kind of raven, but it was soooo huge and majestic.
I am not sure, didnt they say it would be direct flight to reykjavik? Yes they did! Was it? :D hell no :D so the stop was in Norway :)
Avšak šťastne sme pristáli a ? na druhý deň do roboty :D ale o tom neskôr. (len tak na margo: už pomaly rozumiem litovčine keďže u nás iné osadenstvo je veľmi málo, skvelé že na Islande na naučím poľsky a litovsky... )
A po štyroch dňoch keď sme konečne dostali voľno bolo pekne!!! (teraz výjdete vonku a ste mokrí a to ani neprší tak často, len je tak vlhko)
So we landed two hours later and guess what- on the next day we went to work. What a lovely start of the Iceland trip :D. (btw i am in Iceland for fourth time and i didnt improve my english-skills but polish and this year lithuanian- language :D)
But finally after four days of work we had day-off (and we were so lucky bc weather was so Great!!! - now it doesnt need to rain but you are absolutelly wet because its soooo humid outside)
Laugarnes bolo pravdepodobne prvé územime, ktoré sa začalo zaľudňovať. Toto územie je predovšetkým známe vďaka kostolu a cintorínu, ktorý postupne chradnú a zanikajú od roku 1791
V rokoch 1826-1856 tu býval islandský biskup a bola tu postavená nemocnica pre malomocných.
Počas druhej svetovej vojny tu sídlil vojenský tábor.
V dvadsiatom storočí sa tu usídlil sochár Sigurjón Ólafsson, ktorý tu počas svojho života tvoril.
"Laugarnes was probably first occupied in the settlement period of Iceland. The site also contains a church ruin and a graveyard that was abandoned in 1791. Later the Bishop of Iceland had his residence in Laugarnes (1826–1856) and in 1898 a leper hospital was erected there. During World War II a military camp was set up in Laugarnes. The museum of sculptor Sigurjón Ólafsson in Laugarnes was built on the site of one of its baracks. "
thanks to this beautiful black baby for photos (why i wear black sweatshirt :D happy coincidence? )
Zase až tak teplo nebolo :D
Well, i said it was warm nice weather but let's be honest :D
Domov sochára Sigurjón Ólafsson-a aj s jeho dielami.
The house of Sigurjón Ólafsson with his art-work.
Ostrov blízko Reykjavíku je v dnešnej dobe známy hlavne vďaka soche mieru, ktorú dala postaviť Yoko Ono na počesť Johna Lennona. Ale vracajúc sa späť do histórie bol tento ostrov obývaný už v 12tom storočí, keď si tu vystavil svoj domov a kostolík vedľa Otec Reykjaviku Skuli Magnusson.
Island near Reykjavik is best known bc of Imagine Peace tower (or Tower of light) "built" by Yoko Ono like a memorial to John Lenon.
The island has archaeological remains dating back to the 12th century where the "father of Reykjavík" Skuli Magnusson constructed his home and a church.
Vták Sterna
And the beautiful flying Sterna-bird
Seagull :)
Neviem, či to je havran alebo jemu podobný vták ale bol obrovský, oveľa väčší než som kedykoľvek videla.
Hard to say if its kind of raven, but it was soooo huge and majestic.
Slnečný cestovateľ bol vytvorený Jón Gunnar Árnason-om, nachádza sa na pobreží v Reykjavíku. Predstavuje loď snov, ódu na slnko. Bol postavený ako prísľub k neprebádanému územiu, snov, nádejí, túžby, pokrokov a slobody.
Sun Voyager is a sculpture by Jón Gunnar Árnason, located next to the Sæbraut road in Reykjavik. Sun Voyager is a dreamboat, an ode to the sun. Intrinsically, it contains within itself the promise of undiscovered territory, a dream of hope, progress and freedom.
Jsi skvělá. Děkuji za nádherné fotky.